Finally a coin with substance
Potatoes and cryptocurrencies are in many ways polar opposites. Potatoes are delicious, a cheap source of carbs, the potato price over time is relatively stable and they do not cause you to get heart attacks (low on cholesterol and fat).
Cryptocurrencies are often criticised for their lack of substance, their prices fluctuate wildly and their erratic behaviour causes many cryptocurrency owners severe stress.
Potato Coin tokens may allow you to exchange your tokens into actual potatoes (limitations apply as described in our whitepaper). This means that you will be able to measure your crypto wealth in terms even your mom will understand.
What else is it good for?
- You can brag about your preference for barter economy, because you watched Wolf of Wall Street and now believe that unbacked money is just “fugazi”;
- You own a coin that you fully understand (sure, you know exactly what EOS does and why it is better than Ethereum...);
- When the entire crypto thing inevitably crashes, you might still get something of value (if we are around then and decide to fulfil your order).
Express POTATOtude
Did you ever want to express gratitude for your friends (or random strangers on the internet)? We got you covered, just send them a virtual potato.
Currency to trust
Potato Coin is finally a cryptocurrency that is not just hot air. Bitcoin and Ethereum are backed by nothing. For each PTCN, you will get one potato.
Potatoes are awesome!
They are the backbone of the agricultural system. French fries are made of potatoes and everybody loves them. Not convinced yet? Enjoy losing your bitcoins!
To add Potato Coin to MetaMask:
- 🥔 Go to your MetaMask wallet and open the tab "tokens".
- 🥔 Enter Token Contact Address:
- 🥔 Enter Token Symbol:
- 🥔 Enter Decimal of Precision:

If you use other wallets, you will have to google “How to add tokens to XYZ wallet” and follow the instructions, using the same details as above.